The totals on this page represent counts of registered voters as of the date shown. Actual numbers continue to change daily as county auditors update voter records.
Voter Registration by County since 2000 Spreadsheet (as of May 1, 2024)
Voter Registration by Precinct Split Spreadsheet (May 1, 2024)
Voter Registration by Precinct Spreadsheet (June 1, 2024)
County | Registered Voters |
Aitkin | 11,692 |
Anoka | 236,400 |
Becker | 22,222 |
Beltrami | 28,440 |
Benton | 25,950 |
Big Stone | 3,151 |
Blue Earth | 41,259 |
Brown | 16,490 |
Carlton | 23,148 |
Carver | 76,106 |
Cass | 21,583 |
Chippewa | 7,053 |
Chisago | 39,227 |
Clay | 37,745 |
Clearwater | 5,347 |
Cook | 4,009 |
Cottonwood | 6,710 |
Crow Wing | 47,166 |
Dakota | 290,044 |
Dodge | 13,835 |
Douglas | 27,860 |
Faribault | 8,673 |
Fillmore | 13,717 |
Freeborn | 18,898 |
Goodhue | 31,827 |
Grant | 3,968 |
Hennepin | 814,565 |
Houston | 12,668 |
Hubbard | 15,129 |
Isanti | 28,931 |
Itasca | 30,312 |
Jackson | 6,280 |
Kanabec | 10,777 |
Kandiyohi | 26,342 |
Kittson | 2,749 |
Koochiching | 7,526 |
Lac Qui Parle | 4,425 |
Lake | 7,574 |
Lake Of The Woods | 2,697 |
Le Sueur | 19,309 |
Lincoln | 3,560 |
Lyon | 14,898 |
McLeod | 23,761 |
Mahnomen | 2,662 |
Marshall | 5,622 |
Martin | 12,158 |
Meeker | 15,204 |
Mille Lacs | 17,343 |
Morrison | 22,539 |
Mower | 22,259 |
Murray | 5,279 |
Nicollet | 21,637 |
Nobles | 9,588 |
Norman | 3,810 |
Olmsted | 103,665 |
Otter Tail | 40,622 |
Pennington | 8,355 |
Pine | 18,892 |
Pipestone | 5,350 |
Polk | 17,547 |
Pope | 7,887 |
Ramsey | 319,965 |
Red Lake | 2,392 |
Redwood | 9,316 |
Renville | 9,060 |
Rice | 40,441 |
Rock | 5,928 |
Roseau | 9,482 |
St. Louis | 132,589 |
Scott | 100,290 |
Sherburne | 65,081 |
Sibley | 9,576 |
Stearns | 98,943 |
Steele | 23,252 |
Stevens | 5,590 |
Swift | 5,614 |
Todd | 15,217 |
Traverse | 2,031 |
Wabasha | 14,777 |
Wadena | 8,947 |
Waseca | 11,402 |
Washington | 188,576 |
Watonwan | 5,624 |
Wilkin | 3,822 |
Winona | 30,603 |
Wright | 100,282 |
Yellow Medicine | 5,934 |
TOTAL | 3,659,176 |