How Elections Work
Nominating a candidate
Choosing a President
Recalling an elected official
Secure and fair elections
About the ballot
Voting process
Checking votes
Who's in charge?
State, county and local roles
Local election officials manage elections with support from the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State.
Office of the Secretary of State’s key roles
- Certify election equipment.
- Administer the Statewide Voter Registration System.
- Provide technical assistance to local election officials.
- Monitor compliance of state election laws.
County’s key roles
- Process voter registration applications.
- Ballot layout and printing.
- Apply or remove challenges to voter records.
- Purchase and maintain supplies and election equipment, including accessible voting equipment.
- Program and test all voting equipment.
- Issue absentee ballots.
- Forward election violations to law enforcement for investigation.
- Train and certify city, township and school district local election officials.
- Compile election results and transmit to the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State website.
- Conduct post-election audits.
City, town and school district key roles
- Set precinct boundaries and secure polling locations.
- Hire election judges and assign to precincts.
- Train and certify election judges, if delegated by county.
- Administer health care facility absentee voting.
- Administer absentee balloting, if delegated by county.