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CNS LIEN FILING TYPE - online or paper | Filing Fee |
Effective Financing Statement | $25 |
CNS Statutory Lien Notice | $20 |
Continuation | $20 |
Termination | -0- |
CNS SEARCH AND COPY - online | Fee |
CNS Standard Search (without copies) | $20 per name |
CNS Search by File Number | -0- |
Secured Copy Request, Non-Certified | $3 per copy |
Secured Copy Request, Certified | $3 per copy + $5 per certification |
CNS FARM PRODUCT MONTHLY LIST - online | Registration Fee |
12 Month Subscription | $25 |
Online Filing: Credit Card payment is required at the time of filing.
Paper Filing: Send completed forms and payment, payable to: Minnesota Secretary of State, to:
Minnesota Secretary of State – UCC
First National Bank Building
332 Minnesota Street, Suite N201
Saint Paul, MN 55101