You can vote before the election with an absentee ballot at your local elections office. If you are not registered, you can do that when you vote if you show proof of residence.
All voters have at least one location where they can vote early in person with an absentee ballot. View the list of voting locations before election day for upcoming elections, or contact your county election office.
If you are looking for the hours that a specific location is open, see the list of voting locations before election day.
For most elections, absentee voting locations must be open during their normal business hours starting 46 days before the election. Locations offering absentee ballots for federal, state or county elections must also be open:
Before the state general election, these additional hours are also required:
These additional hours do not apply to school districts holding standalone elections.
Some local jurisdictions may provide additional absentee voting days or hours beyond the above required days and times. Call your jurisdiction for more information.
Note: in odd years, not all areas of the state have elections. Use the Polling Place Finder to check for elections in your area.
First day to vote early in person: Friday, June 27
Last day to vote early in person: Monday, August 11
First day to vote early in person: Friday, September 19
Last day to vote early in person: Monday, November 3
In special situations, you may ask an agent to pick up and return an absentee ballot for you. This is called ‘agent delivery.’ Learn more about agent delivery.