Minnesota Secretary Of State - 1998 Primary Election Results
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1998 Primary Election Results

1998 Primary Election Results

Votes for Governor and Lieutenant Governor
Candidate Party Total Votes Percent
Mark Dayton and Julie Jansen Democratic-Farmer-Labor 88,070 17.83%
Mike Freeman and Ruth Johnson Democratic-Farmer-Labor 93,714 18.97%
Hubert H. "Skip" Humphrey III and Roger D. Moe Democratic-Farmer-Labor 182,562 36.95%
Doug Johnson and Tom Foley Democratic-Farmer-Labor 91,888 18.60%
Ted Mondale and Deanna Wiener Democratic-Farmer-Labor 36,237 7.33%
Ole' Savior and Ron Moseng Democratic-Farmer-Labor 1,598 0.32%
Norm Coleman and Gen Olson Republican 127,957 91.32%
Bill Dahn and James Kane Sr. Republican 12,167 8.68%
Jesse Ventura and Mae Schunk Reform 17,169 100.00%


For more election results, see the State Canvassing Board report.