Minnesota Secretary Of State - Candidate Filing Fees Skip to main content

Candidate Filing Fees

Candidates for most offices must pay a fee when they file for office. Candidates may also collect signatures on a petition instead of paying the filing fee.

Minnesota Statutory Filing Fees
Office Filing Fee
President and Vice-President $0
U.S. Senator $400
U.S. Representative $300
Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, State Auditor, Secretary of State $300
Judges $300
State Senator $100
State Representative $100
County Office $50
Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor $20
Charter City Candidates varies*
Candidates in Cities of the First Class $20-$80*
Candidates in Cities of the Second and Third Class $5-$40*
Candidates in Cities of the Fourth Class $2-$15*
Township Office $2
School Board Member $2

 *check with the city clerk to confirm filing fee for a particular city