Minnesota Secretary Of State - State Canvassing Board Certifies Results of 2020 General Election Skip to main content

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State Canvassing Board Certifies Results of 2020 General Election

November 24, 2020

Secretary of State Steve Simon today convened the State Canvassing Board to review the canvass report for the 2020 General Election and certify the results. In addition to the U.S. Presidential election and a U.S. Senate race, the board certified the election results of eight U.S. House of Representatives contests and state legislative and judicial offices.

“The State Canvassing Board has today certified Minnesota's 2020 General Election results,” said Secretary Steve Simon. “I’m proud to officially announce that for the third election in a row, Minnesota voters were number one in the nation in voter turnout.” The total number of voters was 3,292,997. That means 79.96 percent of eligible Minnesotans participated in the 2020 General Election. That is the highest percentage turnout since 1956, and the highest total number of voters ever.

“This election was like no other in Minnesota history. The pandemic meant administering the 2020 election using a public health and safety lens.” Secretary Simon said. “I made an unprecedented request of Minnesota voters: to consider voting from home with an absentee ballot. Those voters responded in truly remarkable fashion.” 1,906,383 million voters cast an absentee ballot - about 58 percent of those voting. The previous highest level, in 2018, was around 24 percent.

The election was a great success for other reasons. There was no lack of election judges, which other states faced. There was no report of violence or intimidation, as some had feared. There were no credible allegations of voter fraud. And there was no shortage of PPE or supplies at polling places to keep in-person voters safe.

“Even as we celebrate a third consecutive election leading the nation in turnout, I know that Minnesota can do more to make every voice heard. No matter where they live in Minnesota, or what language they speak, or what accommodations they need to cast their ballot, I look forward to continuing my mission to make it as easy as possible for every eligible Minnesotan to vote.”

The State Canvassing Board is called pursuant to Article VII, Section 8 of the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, which states: The returns of every election for officeholders elected statewide shall be made to the secretary of state who shall call to his assistance two or more of the judges of the supreme court and two disinterested judges of the district courts. They shall constitute a board of canvassers to canvass the returns and declare the result within three days after the canvass.

Secretary of State Simon extended his thanks to the Justices and Judges who agreed to serve on this canvassing board to certify the election results: Margaret H. Chutich, Associate Justice, Minnesota Supreme Court; Gordon L. Moore III, Associate Justice, Minnesota Supreme Court; Regina Chu, Judge, Fourth Judicial District Court; and Christian Sande, Judge, Fourth Judicial District Court.
